If you are receiving the “Invalid credentials provided” message upon logging in, please follow the troubleshooting steps below.

1. Verify that the information you have entered is correct.

  1. Are you using the correct phone number or email?
  2. If your email is not working, try your phone number (we usually recommend this method for logging in).
  3. If you are unsure whether to use your email or phone number, or if you are unsure of the correct email or phone number, call Maven Machines Support at 412-499-3877.


2. Verify that the information you have entered contains no errors.

  1. Is your phone number typed correctly?
  2. If using email, ensure the spelling is correct.
  3. Ensure that your password is correctly typed by deleting what you’ve entered in the password field, and carefully re-entering the password.


3. Rest your password

  1. Beneath the blue Sign In button, you will see a link that says, “Forgot your Password?”. Tap here to begin the password reset process.

  1. Enter in the phone number or email associated with your account.
  2. Tap on Continue.
  3. A message will display that a text or email has been sent to you with a link to reset your password.
  4. Go to your email or text inbox and open the automated message from Maven. (It will say the following, "Tap on the link [link here] to reset your Maven Password.")
  5. Tap on the link provided in the email or text.
  6. This will bring you to a page where you will input a new password, and retype it for verification.
  7. Tap Reset Password.
  8. Attempt to Log In on the Maven app.

4. If the above steps are unsuccessful, please call Maven Machines Support at 412-499-3877.

First time logging into the Maven Machines application? Please follow our guide for first time users: Logging into the Maven app for the first time