It is simple to add tractors to your Maven Fleet from the Maven Fleet Portal. If you need assistance, try the following steps:  


  1. Open the Maven Fleet Admin page.  

  2. Select the "Vehicles" page from the menu on the left, and then click "add vehicle" at the top right. 
  3. Input the tractor's truck number and unique VIN number on the pop up form. 
    1. NOTE: You cannot proceed until you have input a unique VIN.  

  4. Once you have input this information you'll have the option to add the tractor's make, model, and year. Once you're satisfied, click "add vehicle".  


Your screen will redirect you to the newly made vehicle page for your tractor.

 From here you can:  


  • Add the vehicle to the appropriate groups and terminals. 
  • Pair the vehicle to a vehicle adapter. 
  • Deactivate the trailer.  


Keep in mind that you have to "save" any changes you make to the tractor from this page by clicking the "save" button at the top right of the page.