In certain situations, it will be necessary to edit a driver’s log. For example, if a driver put their status as “Sleeper Berth” and this needs to be changed to “Off Duty”. These updates can be easily completed on the Manager portal at This article will walk through multiple scenarios that can arise, leading to a driver requesting edits to their log and a manager making and sending back those requests to the driver.

A very basic instance of a log edit could be as follows:

"Driver A” realizes that they should have had their status set to “Sleeper Berth” but instead left it in “Off Duty” status while they were sleeping. The driver can then find their log for that day on their tablet, and request an administrator edit. To do this, they should tap on the Logs button on the main screen of the Maven app.

Once the driver has selected the log they wish to edit, they tap the Request Admin Edit button located at the bottom of the Events list.

The driver can then type in a note so their manager knows exactly what type of edit should be made. Type in something like: “status should be changed to off duty from 6:35am to 3:50pm”. Once the note is entered, the manager can then log into to view and make the edit.

To make the edit, locate the drivers log under the Hours of Service tab on the left side of the page. Click on the driver’s name, then change the date on the calendar to that day’s log. On the right side, under the graph showing the status changes and times for that day, there is a button that says “Edit Logs”. Click that. This is in the event of the driver not requesting the edit through the mobile app. You can bypass that step by going straight to the log on the Fleet Portal. If the driver requested the admin edit, as laid out above, the manager will click "Perform Edit" rather than "Edit Logs".  

This puts the log into editing mode. You are then presented with multiple ways to make an edit. The first is change an entire status change. You can click on the corresponding icon for that status change and flip through the different options. This works best of you need to alter a full status change. If you need to change only a part of a status change, you can insert a duty status by clicking the Insert Duty Status button.

If you are inserting a duty status, you will need to provide a type of status (1), a start time (2), an end time (3) and a location (4). Once you have all of that information entered, click Confirm Insertion.

Once your edit is complete, the last step is to send it to the driver’s logging device so they can approve it. The edit will show up on the Action Items list and will be labelled “Approve Admin Edit”. The driver should tap on the action item and tap Accept. This will merge the edits made on the Fleet Portal with the log for that day on the driver’s tablet.  

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please reach out to us via one of our support channels. Create a ticket with our support portal here, or reach our support team by phone at 412-499-3877.